Terms and Conditions

When booking a session you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

Protective riding hats MUST be worn for all sessions and must be up to the current 2024 standard.  Spot checks will be carried out.  For cross country training sessions, only a 'jockey' skull cap without a peak will be allowed (hat silks/velvets are fine).  This is in line with BHS, BRC, BD, BS and BE rules.  Riding with an approved standard body protector (minimum of 2018 with a BLUE label) is compulsory for cross country, recommended for show jumping and in some cases for flat work as well. If an airvest is worn XC, this must be in addition to a body protector.

The lesson charge includes my costs for travel to your yard up to a distance of 20 miles away.  Any additional mileage will be charged at 50p per mile.  My postcode for mileage purposes is SO31 6LR.

I understand that unforeseen circumstances do arise, and that horses go lame or lose shoes, however I will appreciate as much notice as possible if you have to cancel a booked session. Cancellations will be charged at 50% of the full price if cancelled within 48hrs of booked session, or full price within 24hrs as I will be unable to fill your space. I reserve the right to waive the cancellation fee in certain circumstances.

Unless you are lucky enough to have an indoor school, there will be days where the weather is less than desirable to ride in!  On the whole, riding is an outdoor sport and under most weather conditions your lesson can go ahead.  In severe weather, where we agree it would be dangerous to ride, the cancellation fee will be waived.  Examples of severe weather conditions: extremely high gusty winds, torrential rain, arena flooding, thunder and/or lightening, ice/snow. If a Met Office weather warning is in effect the following is applicable:

  • Yellow warning - indoor lessons can go ahead. Outdoor lessons, or if you have to travel your horse to the venue, can be discussed
  • Amber warning - indoor lessons where the horse is already at the venue can go ahead, subject to travel conditions for myself and rider to get to the venue
  • Red warning - not suitable for riding or travel

If you need to cancel at short notice please phone or text/WhatsApp.  Do not email or Facebook message as it is not always available to check.  If you have sent a text, I will reply to confirm.  If you do not hear back from me please phone to follow up – I may not have received your text. If you do not contact me, and I arrive for your lesson, you will be liable to still pay for your session.

Should I be unable to attend a booked session, you will be contacted as soon as possible, no charge will be made.

For clinics run by myself, the price quoted is the total price you pay, including the charge for arena hire.  All bookings for clinics are payable at the time of booking.  Secure payment via PayPal is available on my website.

Payment for lessons to be made at the time of the lesson or in advance – cash or bacs payments accepted. Please ask for my bank details.



It is up to you whether you use your lesson time for warming up, or if you want to be warmed up ready.  Due to the nature of teaching freelance there is a lot of travelling between clients.  I always try to allow plenty of travelling time, but if you are late for your lesson, I may not be able to run over time due to travelling to another client.  If I have time or traffic issues and am late, I will, of course, complete your time booked.  If you are unable to run over time in this instance your lesson will be charged at a suitably reduced rate.